Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Young generation and the Buddhism

Our young generation is now more affectionate to the Buddhism. Most of the persons now studied or listened Lord Buddha's teaching. Due to this popularity, lot of new concepts are being created. 
There are 'Asapu', 'Mahamewna', 'Aasrama', 'Buddhist centers', 'Mediation centers', ‘Aramaya’ and 'International Buddhist centers'. The suitable word is Hi-Fi Buddhism.

We easily observe that lot of places insetead of Village temple that existed for generations and secure the Dhamma with great sprits.
I feel that the above places like separate segments ('Nikaya') in the main stream Buddha Sasana. The above segments have separate leaders who promote their concepts. 

This new trend is not good for the Buddha Sasana in particular and for the country in general. It is better to go in line with village temple concept rather than new concepts specially designed for personal glory.
If this trend continues, the concerned leaders will get out of the track of the Buddha’s explanation and will sermon what they want to achieve.

Listen very carefully what Lord Buddha said. Understand it correctly. If you understand the Dhamma, then you can see the Lord Buddha in your heart.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sri Lanka's first Expressway

27th of this month, it is scheduled to open the first expressway in Sri Lanka, i.e. Southern Expressway.

There were negative sentiments from anti-Rajapaksha segments at the construction phase of the road. When one overhead bridge collapsed, it was end of the project for anti-rajapaksha segments. But the Rajapaksha government had the courage to stand up when there is a failure, same leadership quality we have seen during the humanitarian battle against the LTTE. So far, they (the government) have successfully launched several development initiatives.
When president Jayawardhane launched accelerated Mahaweli development project there were more criticism. Actually, there were social and geological impact of the project, but president Jayawardana went ahead with huge success.
Same concerns also exists this expressway projects as well. We must minimize those concerns as much as possible. But, we must continue this kind of project in future as well.
What would happen when an expressway built?.
- Will build investors confidence dramatically.
- will build huge moral high for the Sri Lankan citizens those who so far worshipped Singapore's developments. That will build ‘we can do..’ mind set. During the war period the government has build similar mind set by launching ‘Api wenuwen Api’ program.
- Concentration on town centers would gradually lessen. It affects urban land prices as well.
- with the people blessings government will speed up other major development activities.
So.. this expressway would be a show-gate for the future...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Road terrorism in Sri Lanka

Road terrorism in Sri Lanka

we can notice remarkable increase in road accident in Sri Lanka. It is the Sri Lankan government authorities responsibility to reduce the such deadly accidents. If our roads are not safety that would negatively affect our main focus business industry - Tourism.
Why it is happening these days....
- ignorance of road rules for many years. This is due to prevailed ‘war-like’ situation.
- Most of our A grade and B grade road network now is in very good condition. Drivers can speed up at their wish.
- Due to improvement of family income levels, vehicle ownership is rapidly rising. Thus resulting more vehicles on the road.
- People do not aware of road rules in Northern and Eastern provinces. Simply, for the past 30 years, there were no road rules.
It is the defence secretary and the Police department time to show their capabilities. As they have successfully minimized drunken drivers on the road, they have the capabilities to do the job.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cholesterol, Diabetic and Marketing tricks

This is a well discussed topic in most of societies, but the problem still exists and more and more people are suffering from. Most of the people ignored (not prioritize) medical practitioner’s advice and eventually suffered and sometimes it is irrecoverable.
Their life is not blessed by the divine power but the prescribed medical pills and tablets. They have to rely on these items probably to the end and has to take care of side effects of these medicine. With the side effects they are developing more and more new varieties of illnesses.
So..what we have to do...
 - We have to do regular exercises (walking is the best form of it). Minimum 5 days week and minimum of 30 minutes per day is required.
 - Any restriction of our normal food pattern is not advisable. But, instant food is not a variety of a normal food. So.. we have avoid instant foods. If you restrict your meal without consulting dietitian, you are risking your life for more illnesses. We can see lot of vegetarians.. fishtarians.. Policy like be a vegetarian is destructive to individual health. Better to focus on nutritional value rather than stick on self-made policy.
 - Need to have plenty of fruits in your diet. That will contribute much needed natural vitamins

Various companies are trying to sell their product by highlighting nutritional value of the ingredients. Though they highlight the importance of regular exercise, most of the people just get the marketed item and use. it can create excess of Vitamin in human body that will lead to unknown new complications.